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What is the Rosie Orchard?

Updated: Jul 20, 2022

Hello, my name is Kendra. I'm an artist. I have my masters in Fine Art and have taught Drawing and Painting at the college level for 5 years. I've had 3 kids in the last 6 years, so while I love to work on my own art, I'm pretty consumed with them right now. My kids are the greatest inspiration and challenge my creativity everyday!

I decided to offer Art Camps over the summer (thank you to my wonderful MIL for suggesting it). I've often thought about doing something like this before so the ideas were already there. I have been incredibly blessed by the support. People signed up and came. I have loved inspiring groups of kids in their artwork and providing materials for them to explore. I've loved the freedom of creating my own schedule, and have been blessed by the parents who supported a local artists by signing up their child/children. I also loved shopping for materials for the kids and seeing them get excited over them. My table is usually filled with art supplies and various projects that have overflowed from our studio, so its been fun sharing that "space" with others.

After much thought and weighing of schedules, I've decided to pursue the Rosie Orchard full time. I'll be offering classes for all ages!! Stay on the lookout! I will also have a shop with quality handmade gifts and items, holiday bakes, and hopefully some future murals. The Rosie Orchard is a place for all things hand made with love and creativity. My heart is to serve my community while also supporting my family. The dream is to have a space one day in the community. But first steps is having a digital space here, and holding art classes at my MIL's "Art Barn" and potentially my studio (once I can get that cleaned up and ready). So, thank you for coming and following along. I so appreciate it!

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